Saturday, January 07, 2006

Improve Your Quality of Life: Nourish Your Soul

Government and various health agencies are very concerned about the health of Americans. Many people are not nourishing their bodies with wholesome food but are consuming too much junk food. The result is not only numerous health problems, but also lack of activity that people should not only be able to do fairly easily, but even enjoy doing. Poor diets and lack of health no doubt springs from a desire to "be happy" but because it is mis-guided about the nature of reality (and the human body) this desire produces the opposite of its intended consequence.

This is true of souls also. Like our bodies, our souls need to be nourished to be healthy, strong, energetic and vibrant. When our souls are malnourished we feel sluggish and tired and don’t even try to engage in activities that should be normal for us and even give us pleasure.

Spiritual exercise and ministry are not only “commands” for a Christian but the natural outlet of energy given us in the nourishment of our soul on God’s Word.

Here are some tips for preparing to nourish your soul in 2006.

1· Help your appetite grow by refusing spiritual junk food.
It is striking how little hunger some people have for the Word of God. It is striking because humans need regular, heavy helpings of spiritual nourishment that God’s Word alone provides. If we are not hungry for God’s Word we should consider what is substituting for God’s Word. It could be overt sin, or “good things” like physical food, friends, work, or entertainment. Many Christians only think about their entertainment choices in regard to evil content and temptation.
We would do well to consider how entertainment can clog the soul and dampen spiritual desire with things that may not be overtly wrong but do damage by what they replace. These substitute for true spiritual food in two ways. They can rob us of time and they can rob us of appetite. Spiritual candy may not be “wrong,” but like chocolate it is addictive and often replaces good eating habits. One issue is that like “junk food” it is difficult to only eat “a little.” People that can only eat “a little” tend to not desire it at all.

2· Make a plan for a regular time and a routine for spiritual meals.
We are creatures of habit. The only question is whether our habits will be good or bad. The wise person faces this and makes plans for establishing good ones. Consistent time in God's Word does not happen by chance. It requires thoughtful preparation and discipline of mind and body. Determine a time that you will meet with God each day. The wisdom of the ages tells us that morning is the best time and few have disproved this wisdom.

3· Make a systematic plan of study.
A haphazard approach doesn't work at increasing virtue. Spontaneity is fruit of organized, systematic and disciplined study. Get a Bible reading schedule, select a Bible book, or get a devotional book to study. Don't wait for a "spur of the moment" idea. Uncertainty contributes to putting it off entirely.

4· Make a habit through immediate consistency.
The key to creating habits is strict faithfulness the first month or two. If you stick to a routine for 6 weeks it will become much easier afterward (although never "automatic"). You can not leave it to feelings and convenience since these only come after you have a habit and "a taste." It is important not to miss days in that initial period of "training" your mind and body to establish a habit.

Most people only do what they “feel like” doing or what they have to do. Time with God is rarely seen in one of these categories. So you will have to “force yourself” to keep going at first. Remember the promises are for great reward even if you can’t feel them yet!

You must deny the heresy that desires and feelings are sacred and that it is wrong to resist or to change them. You must also deny the false teaching that God’s grace does not require discipline. Discipline itself should be a product of God’s grace.

Recommended Resources
· Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney.
· When I Don't Desire God by John Piper.


At 1/8/06, 9:35 PM, Blogger djbtmom said...

I'm very excited to see that you have turned your thoughts into a blog - I will look forward to each instalment. I also have one - the Greene's got me started when they were here this summer - just to post pictures of the kids and rattle on myself. The address is


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